Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Motherland

We really do have the best country!
-D.H., driving from Honolulu to the North Shore (2008)

Honolulu from Diamond Head

I love Africa, I love traveling. I love learning and experiencing different cultures and customs. I love all that goes into the observation of another society as an outsider. And then I love going back to America. I will never be one of those people that "go native." No risk there. I will never turn up my nose to fast food or chain restaurants or the culture of excess. In fact, I am generally skeptical of people who don't like McDonald's because, let's face it (and really be honest with yourself here): McDonald's is good. It is bad for you and of course it should not be part of your regular diet, but no one does fries like that! I want an aisle in the supermarket solely devoted to peanut butter. Every time I go to Target it is like Christmas morning. I like that no matter how screwed up the US government is, it is not really relative to most of the rest of the world. I like that anyone can rant and rave about the government and the politicians that comprise it and threaten to move to Canada (but then don't). And I like football. Not soccer.

The C.B's in Washington DC, the capital of our great nation.
There's nothing like an extended stay in another country to make me appreciate America. I still have a long time to go in Congo, so just imagine how patriotic I will be then!

1 comment:

  1. Jennie,
    Really enjoy seeing the world through your photos...keep up the great blog! Patty S.
